- Can swim up to 6 mph.
- Largest member of deer family.
- Tallest mammal in North America.
- Alaska moose are largest subspecies, with bulls 7 feet tall at shoulder, weighing up to 1,800 pounds.
- Antlers are palmated, as distinguished from the long tines of other deer family species.
- Flap of skin hanging from throat, called dewlap or bell, varies in length regardless of the animal’s size.
- Legs are proportionately long for wading in marshes; front legs are longer than rear legs.
- Easily stressed in hot weather because bodies don’t release heat efficiently.
- Oversize upper lip is very sensitive and able to distinguish the nourishing shoots on a branch or in underwater vegetation.
- Moose name comes from the Algonquian word “mus” or “moos,” which means “twig-eater” or eater of twigs.
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