If you have $10 in your pocket and no debt, you are wealthier than 25% of Americans.

Americans spend roughly 4.4 years of their life at each of their jobs.

1 out of every 8 Americans have been employed by McDonald's at some point. 

Apple has more money than the U.S. Treasury.

In Montana, cows out number people 3 to 1.

1 American consumes the same amount of resources as 32 Kenyans.

College athletes are treated like celebrities when in fact they are just students taking part in an extracurricular activity.

Though most Americans speak English, we have no official national language.

1 out every 3 Americans is obese.

Roughly 25% of Americans believe in reincarnation.

It is actually completely legal for underage kids to smoke cigarettes, but it is illegal for them to purchase them.

Medical errors are the 6th leading cause of death in the US.

Virginia has birthed more presidents than any other state.

27% of Americans don't believe we landed on the moon.

100 acres of pizza are served in the US every day.

The Library of Congress is keeping an archive of every tweet ever tweeted.

During prohibition the government started poisoning beer, which led to thousands of deaths.

40% of births in America are from unmarried women.

America is one of the only countries to display their flag almost everywhere.

22 million chickens are consumed in the US every day.

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