One of the saddest events recorded in history is the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This September 11 marks the 13th year of that dastardly act. Commonly known as the Twin Towers, the two massive buildings were reduced to pieces on September 11, 2001. Creating a huge impact worldwide, it left a scar on everyone's mind. Remembering this tragic event, Boldsky has listed some of the hidden facts about 9/11 which you may not have heard of. One of the facts about 9/11 attacks that is unbelievable till date is that the third World Trade Center tower also fell on the very same day. The high rise building, which is said to have not been hit by any plane, collapsed at 5:20 that fateful evening. This building was imploded in the manner of a professionally engineered demolition. Shocking, right? There is more... Read on to find out the other hidden facts about 9/11:

Code messages

Did you know that code messages were sent out online by 9/11 conspirators? According to one of the conspirators who went by the name of Abu Abdul Rahman, he sent a coded love post to his girlfriend via an internet chat room weeks before the tragic incident. The code read like this - "The first semester commences in three weeks. Two high schools [Twin Towers] and two universities [Washington DC targets] ... This summer will surely be hot ...19 [the eventual number of hijackers] certificates for private education and four exams [the number of planes used]. Regards to the professor. Goodbye."

Fires raged for 99 days

One of the hidden facts about 9/11 attacks is that the fire kept on burning for more than a month. Sources claim that they took around 99 days to put the fire off after that terrorist attack. The remaining fires were eventually put out on December 19, 2001.

The number 20

It is believed that only 20 people survived this major attack. The 20 people were pulled from the rubble alive with serious injuries, scarring them for the rest of their life.

The Wonder Engine

According to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), only one engine from the planes that struck the Twin Towers survived that attack. The explosion and collapse of the Towers were extremely severe, how the engine survived is rather surprising.

Suicide Hijackers

Some of the alleged 9/11 suicide hijackers are still alive! This hidden fact about the 9/11 attack was stated in the BBC and The Guardian a few weeks after the terrorist attack. The weird thing is that five of the alleged hijackers were said to have trained with the U.S. military bases.

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