15 Fun Facts You Never Knew About Produce
15 Fun Facts You Never Knew About Produce

Getting your recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables can seem like a chore, but once you know these facts about what you’re mun...

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15 Key Facts About FIFA 15
15 Key Facts About FIFA 15

1. Emotional Intelligence FIFA 15 features Emotional Intelligence, with each player on the pitch reacting uniquely to the game situa...

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5 Surprising Facts About Freelance Jobs
5 Surprising Facts About Freelance Jobs

(Image Source) Over one third of the U.S. workforce are now freelancers, according to a recent survey. Think about that--34 percent...

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5 Facts About Social Media Every Marketer Should Know
5 Facts About Social Media Every Marketer Should Know

As social media marketing is continuously evolving, the way people are using social media is constantly changing. If you’re a social med...

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10 Secrets facts About The Pentagon That You Didn’t Know
10 Secrets facts About The Pentagon That You Didn’t Know

It is always fun to learn something new. A little bit of history about a place you know or have heard so much about; it can be eye opening ...

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50 Surprising Facts About Animals
50 Surprising Facts About Animals

An Ostrich,s eye is bigger than its Brain Hummingbirds can fly backwards. Some spiders can grow bigger in urban areas.  Cicadas expand...

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7 Facts You Clearly Didn't Know About Indian Police
7 Facts You Clearly Didn't Know About Indian Police

For us, the police are a set of people to be kept at a distance. But because of our distance from everything to do with the men in brown, t...

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40 Entertaining Facts That Will Absolutely Amaze You
40 Entertaining Facts That Will Absolutely Amaze You

Here are some amazing fun facts that could brighten up your monotonous day with excitement and some mirthful entertainment. Did you kn...

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10 Amazing Facts About Milk
10 Amazing Facts About Milk

1. Cows produce 90 per cent of the world’s milk needs. 2. According to legend, the Milky Way was created by drops of milk from the br...

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7 Fun Facts About Autumn
7 Fun Facts About Autumn

LEBANON DAILY NEWS FILE PHOTO 1. Pumpkins 90 percent of the pumpkins grown in the United States are raised within a 90-mile radius of...

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5 Surprising Facts About Social Media
5 Surprising Facts About Social Media

Social media has been part of our lives now for well over a decade. But while it’s integrated into our everyday routines in almost seam...

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10 interesting facts about the ozone layer
10 interesting facts about the ozone layer

1. The date was chosen because the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed on September 16, 1987. ...

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20 Surprising facts about America that not Even Americans Know
20 Surprising facts about America that not Even Americans Know

If you have $10 in your pocket and no debt, you are wealthier than 25% of Americans. Americans spend roughly 4.4 years of their life...

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